The Brazilian Society for the History of Psychology, also known by the acronym SBHP, was founded on October 18, 2013. SBHP The association is a scientific-cultural and economic character-profit purposes. The SBHP aims at:
I. Assembling professionals, researchers or scholars who carry out research or teaching in the History of Psychology activities;
II. Undertake and promote studies and research in the history of psychology, including cooperation between research groups in the area;
III. Stimulate interdisciplinary studies, promote exchanges with national and international counterparts societies, encouraging the participation of specialists from related areas;
IV. Provide critical and theoretical pluralism in the area and their activities and productions;
V. stimulate different forms of information dissemination and productions in the history of psychology, promoting the publication of research results in the area;
VI. Organize and promote events, seminars, courses and other similar initiatives, may interact with similar associations with a view to updating the knowledge and socialization experiences in the area.